Source code for rsync_system_backup.destinations

# rsync-system-backup: Linux system backups powered by rsync.
# Author: Peter Odding <>
# Last Change: August 2, 2019
# URL:

"""Parsing of rsync destination syntax (and then some)."""

# Standard library modules.
import logging
import os
import re

# External dependencies.
from humanfriendly import compact
from property_manager import (

# Modules included in our package.
from rsync_system_backup.exceptions import (

The default port of the `rsync daemon`_ (an integer).

.. _rsync daemon:

LOCAL_DESTINATION = re.compile('^(?P<directory>.+)$')
A compiled regular expression pattern to parse local destinations,
used as a fall back because it matches any nonempty string.

SSH_DESTINATION = re.compile('''
    ^ ( (?P<username> [^@]+ ) @ )? # optional username
    (?P<hostname> [^:]+ ) :        # mandatory host name
    (?P<directory> .* )            # optional pathname
''', re.VERBOSE)
A compiled regular expression pattern to parse remote destinations
of the form ``[USER@]HOST:DEST`` (using an SSH connection).

    ^ ( (?P<username> [^@]+ ) @ )? # optional username
    (?P<hostname> [^:]+ ) ::       # mandatory host name
    (?P<module> [^/]+ )            # mandatory module name
    ( / (?P<directory> .* ) )? $   # optional pathname (without leading slash)
''', re.VERBOSE)
A compiled regular expression pattern to parse remote destinations of the
form ``[USER@]HOST::MODULE[/DIRECTORY]`` (using an rsync daemon connection).

    ^ rsync://                    # static prefix
    ( (?P<username>[^@]+) @ )?    # optional username
    (?P<hostname> [^:/]+ )        # mandatory host name
    ( : (?P<port_number> \d+ ) )? # optional port number
    / (?P<module> [^/]+ )         # mandatory module name
    ( / (?P<directory> .* ) )? $  # optional pathname (without leading slash)
''', re.VERBOSE)
A compiled regular expression pattern to parse remote destinations of the form
``rsync://[USER@]HOST[:PORT]/MODULE[/DIRECTORY]`` (using an rsync daemon

A list of compiled regular expression patterns to match destination
expressions. The patterns are ordered by decreasing specificity.

# Public identifiers that require documentation.
__all__ = (

# Initialize a logger for this module.
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class Destination(PropertyManager): """ The :class:`Destination` class represents a location where backups are stored. The :attr:`expression` property is a required property whose value is parsed to populate the values of the :attr:`username`, :attr:`hostname`, :attr:`port_number`, :attr:`module` and :attr:`directory` properties. When you read the value of the :attr:`expression` property you get back a computed value based on the values of the previously mentioned properties. This makes it possible to manipulate the destination before passing it on to rsync. """ @required_property def expression(self): """ The destination in rsync's command line syntax (a string). :raises: :exc:`.InvalidDestinationError` when you try to set this property to a value that cannot be parsed. """ if not (self.hostname or # This is a bit tricky: Returning None here ensures that a # TypeError will be raised when a Destination object is # created without specifying a value for `expression'. return None value = 'rsync://' if self.module else '' if self.hostname: if self.username: value += self.username + '@' value += self.hostname if self.module: if self.port_number: value += ':%s' % self.port_number value += '/' + self.module else: value += ':' if value += return value
[docs] @expression.setter def expression(self, value): """Automatically parse expression strings.""" for pattern in DESTINATION_PATTERNS: match = pattern.match(value) if match: captures = match.groupdict() non_empty = dict((n, c) for n, c in captures.items() if c) self.set_properties(**non_empty) break else: msg = "Failed to parse expression! (%s)" raise InvalidDestinationError(msg % value)
[docs] @mutable_property def directory(self): """The pathname of the directory where the backup should be written (a string).""" return ''
[docs] @mutable_property def hostname(self): """The host name or IP address of a remote system (a string).""" return ''
[docs] @mutable_property def module(self): """The name of a module exported by an `rsync daemon`_ (a string).""" return ''
[docs] @mutable_property def parent_directory(self): """ The pathname of the parent directory of the backup directory (a string). :raises: :exc:`.ParentDirectoryUnavailable` when the parent directory can't be determined because :attr:`directory` is empty or '/'. """ directory = os.path.dirname('/')) if not directory: raise ParentDirectoryUnavailable(compact(""" Failed to determine the parent directory of the destination directory! This makes it impossible to create and rotate snapshots for the destination {dest}. """, dest=self.expression)) return directory
@mutable_property def port_number(self): """ The port number of a remote `rsync daemon`_ (a number). When :attr:`ssh_tunnel` is set the value of :attr:`port_number` defaults to :attr:`executor.ssh.client.SecureTunnel.local_port`, otherwise it defaults to :data:`RSYNCD_PORT`. """ return self.ssh_tunnel.local_port if self.ssh_tunnel is not None else RSYNCD_PORT
[docs] @port_number.setter def port_number(self, value): """Automatically coerce port numbers to integers.""" set_property(self, 'port_number', int(value))
[docs] @mutable_property def ssh_tunnel(self): """A :class:`~executor.ssh.client.SecureTunnel` object or :data:`None` (defaults to :data:`None`)."""
[docs] @mutable_property def username(self): """The username for connecting to a remote system (a string).""" return ''
[docs] def __enter__(self): """Automatically open :attr:`ssh_tunnel` when required.""" if self.ssh_tunnel: self.ssh_tunnel.__enter__() return self
[docs] def __exit__(self, exc_type=None, exc_value=None, traceback=None): """Automatically close :attr:`ssh_tunnel` when required""" if self.ssh_tunnel: self.ssh_tunnel.__exit__(exc_type, exc_value, traceback)