Source code for rsync_system_backup

# rsync-system-backup: Linux system backups powered by rsync.
# Author: Peter Odding <>
# Last Change: August 2, 2019
# URL:

Simple to use Python API for Linux system backups powered by rsync.

The :mod:`rsync_system_backup` module contains the Python API of the
`rsync-system-backup` package. The core logic of the package is contained in
the :class:`RsyncSystemBackup` class.

# Standard library modules.
import logging
import os
import time

# External dependencies.
from executor import quote
from executor.contexts import LocalContext, create_context
from humanfriendly import Timer, compact, concatenate
from linux_utils.crypttab import parse_crypttab
from linux_utils.luks import cryptdisks_start, cryptdisks_stop
from proc.notify import notify_desktop
from property_manager import (
from rotate_backups import Location, RotateBackups

# Modules included in our package.
from rsync_system_backup.destinations import Destination
from rsync_system_backup.exceptions import (

# Semi-standard module versioning.
__version__ = '1.1'

# Public identifiers that require documentation.
__all__ = (

# Initialize a logger for this module.
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

DEFAULT_ROTATION_SCHEME = dict(hourly=24, daily=7, weekly=4, monthly='always')
"""The default rotation scheme for system backup snapshots (a dictionary)."""

[docs]class RsyncSystemBackup(PropertyManager): """ Python API for the ``rsync-system-backup`` program. The :func:`execute()` method is the main entry point. If you're looking for finer grained control refer to :func:`unlock_device()`, :func:`mount_filesystem()`, :func:`transfer_changes()`, :func:`create_snapshot()` and :func:`rotate_snapshots()`. """
[docs] @mutable_property def backup_enabled(self): """:data:`True` to enable :func:`transfer_changes()`, :data:`False` otherwise.""" return True
[docs] @mutable_property def crypto_device(self): """The name of the encrypted filesystem to use (a string or :data:`None`)."""
@property def crypto_device_available(self): """ :data:`True` if the encrypted filesystem is available, :data:`False` otherwise. This property is an alias for the :attr:`~linux_utils.crypttab.EncryptedFileSystemEntry.is_available` property of :attr:`crypttab_entry`. """ return self.crypttab_entry.is_available if self.crypttab_entry else False @property def crypto_device_unlocked(self): """ :data:`True` if the encrypted filesystem is unlocked, :data:`False` otherwise. This property is an alias for the :attr:`~linux_utils.crypttab.EncryptedFileSystemEntry.is_unlocked` property of :attr:`crypttab_entry`. """ return self.crypttab_entry.is_unlocked if self.crypttab_entry else False
[docs] @cached_property def crypttab_entry(self): """ The entry in ``/etc/crypttab`` corresponding to :attr:`crypto_device`. The value of this property is computed automatically by parsing ``/etc/crypttab`` and looking for an entry whose `target` (the first of the four fields) matches :attr:`crypto_device`. When an entry is found an :class:`~linux_utils.crypttab.EncryptedFileSystemEntry` object is constructed, otherwise the result is :data:`None`. """ if self.crypto_device: logger.debug("Parsing /etc/crypttab to determine device file of encrypted filesystem %r ..", self.crypto_device) for entry in parse_crypttab(context=self.destination_context): if == self.crypto_device: return entry
@required_property def destination(self): """ The destination where backups are stored (a :class:`.Destination` object). The value of :attr:`destination` defaults to the value of the environment variable ``$RSYNC_MODULE_PATH`` which is set by the `rsync daemon`_ before it runs the ``post-xfer exec`` command. """ rsync_module_path = os.environ.get('RSYNC_MODULE_PATH') return (Destination(expression=rsync_module_path) if rsync_module_path else None)
[docs] @destination.setter def destination(self, value): """Automatically coerce strings to :class:`.Destination` objects.""" if not isinstance(value, Destination): value = Destination(expression=value) set_property(self, 'destination', value) clear_property(self, 'destination_context')
[docs] @cached_property def destination_context(self): """ The execution context of the system that stores the backup (the destination). This is an execution context created by :mod:`executor.contexts`. :raises: :exc:`.DestinationContextUnavailable` when the destination is an rsync daemon module (which doesn't allow arbitrary command execution). """ if self.destination.module: raise DestinationContextUnavailable(compact(""" Error: The execution context of the backup destination isn't available because the destination ({dest}) is an rsync daemon module! (tip: reconsider your command line options) """, dest=self.destination.expression)) else: context_opts = dict(sudo=self.sudo_enabled) if self.destination.hostname: context_opts['ssh_alias'] = self.destination.hostname context_opts['ssh_user'] = self.destination.username return create_context(**context_opts)
[docs] @mutable_property def dry_run(self): """:data:`True` to simulate the backup without writing any files, :data:`False` otherwise.""" return False
[docs] @mutable_property def multi_fs(self): """ :data:`True` to allow rsync to cross filesystem boundaries, :data:`False` otherwise. This property has the opposite effect of the rsync command line option ``--one-file-system`` because :attr:`multi_fs` defaults to :data:`False` which means rsync is run with ``--one-file-system``. You can set :attr:`multi_fs` to :data:`True` to omit ``--one-file-system`` from the rsync command line. """ return False
[docs] @lazy_property(writable=True) def exclude_list(self): """ A list of patterns (strings) that are excluded from the system backup. The patterns in :attr:`exclude_list` are passed on to rsync using the ``--exclude`` option. """ return []
[docs] @lazy_property(writable=True) def excluded_roots(self): """ A list of patterns (strings) that are excluded from the system backup. All of the patterns in this list will be rooted to the top of the filesystem hierarchy when they're given the rsync, to avoid unintentionally excluding deeply nested directories that happen to match names in this list. This is done using the ``--filter=-/ PATTERN`` option. """ return [ '/dev/', '/home/*/.cache/', '/media/', '/mnt/', '/proc/', '/run/', '/sys/', '/tmp/', '/var/cache/', '/var/tmp/', ]
[docs] @mutable_property def force(self): """:data:`True` to run `rsync-system-backup` on unsupported platforms, :data:`False` otherwise.""" return False
[docs] @mutable_property def ionice(self): """ The I/O scheduling class for rsync (a string or :data:`None`). When this property is set ionice_ will be used to set the I/O scheduling class for rsync. This can be useful to reduce the impact of backups on the rest of the system. The value of this property is expected to be one of the strings 'idle', 'best-effort' or 'realtime'. .. _ionice: """
[docs] @mutable_property def mount_point(self): """The pathname of the mount point to use (a string or :data:`None`)."""
@property def mount_point_active(self): """:data:`True` if :attr:`mount_point` is mounted already, :data:`False` otherwise.""" return (self.destination_context.test('mountpoint', self.mount_point) if self.mount_point else False)
[docs] @mutable_property def notifications_enabled(self): """ Whether desktop notifications are used (a boolean). By default desktop notifications are enabled when a real backup is being made but disabled during dry runs. """ return not self.dry_run
[docs] @mutable_property def rotation_scheme(self): """The rotation scheme for snapshots (a dictionary, defaults to :data:`DEFAULT_ROTATION_SCHEME`).""" return DEFAULT_ROTATION_SCHEME
[docs] @mutable_property def snapshot_enabled(self): """:data:`True` to enable :func:`create_snapshot()`, :data:`False` otherwise.""" return True
[docs] @mutable_property def source(self): """The pathname of the directory to backup (a string, defaults to '/').""" return '/'
[docs] @lazy_property(writable=True) def source_context(self): """ The execution context of the system that is being backed up (the source). This is expected to be an execution context created by :mod:`executor.contexts`. It defaults to :class:`executor.contexts.LocalContext`. """ return LocalContext()
[docs] @mutable_property def rotate_enabled(self): """:data:`True` to enable :func:`rotate_snapshots()`, :data:`False` otherwise.""" return True
[docs] @mutable_property def sudo_enabled(self): """:data:`True` to run ``rsync`` and snapshot creation with superuser privileges, :data:`False` otherwise.""" return True
[docs] def execute(self): """ Execute the requested actions (backup, snapshot and/or rotate). The :func:`execute()` method defines the high level control flow of the backup / snapshot / rotation process according to the caller's requested configuration: 1. When :attr:`backup_enabled` is set :func:`notify_starting()` shows a desktop notification to give the user a heads up that a system backup is about to start (because the backup may have a noticeable impact on system performance). 2. When :attr:`crypto_device` is set :func:`unlock_device()` ensures that the configured encrypted device is unlocked. 3. When :attr:`mount_point` is set :func:`mount_filesystem()` ensures that the configured filesystem is mounted. 4. When :attr:`backup_enabled` is set :func:`transfer_changes()` creates or updates the system backup on :attr:`destination` using rsync. 5. When :attr:`snapshot_enabled` is set :func:`create_snapshot()` creates a snapshot of the :attr:`destination` directory. 6. When :attr:`rotate_enabled` is set :func:`rotate_snapshots()` rotates snapshots. 7. When :attr:`backup_enabled` is set :func:`notify_finished()` shows a desktop notification to give the user a heads up that the system backup has finished (or failed). """ self.ensure_supported_platform() try: # We use a `with' statement to enable cleanup commands that # are run before this method returns. The unlock_device() # and mount_filesystem() methods depend on this. with self.destination_context: self.execute_helper() except DestinationContextUnavailable: # When the destination is an rsync daemon module we can't just # assume that the same server is also accessible over SSH, so in # this case no destination context is available. self.execute_helper()
[docs] def ensure_supported_platform(self): """ Make sure we're running on a supported platform. :raises: :exc:`.UnsupportedPlatformError` when the output of the ``uname`` command doesn't include the word 'Linux' and :attr:`force` is :data:`False`. When :attr:`force` is :data:`True` this method logs a warning message instead of raising an exception. """ uname_output = self.source_context.capture('uname', capture=True, check=False, shell=False) if 'linux' not in uname_output.lower(): if self.force: logger.warning(compact(""" It looks like you aren't running Linux (which is the only platform supported by rsync-system-backup) however the -f, --force option was given so I will continue anyway. Please note that you are on your own if things break! """)) else: raise UnsupportedPlatformError(compact(""" It looks like you aren't running Linux, which is the only platform supported by rsync-system-backup! You can use the -f, --force option to override this sanity check. Please note that you are on your own if things break. """))
[docs] def execute_helper(self): """Helper for :func:`execute()`.""" timer = Timer() actions = [] if self.crypto_device and not self.crypto_device_available: msg = "Encrypted filesystem %s isn't available! (the device file %s doesn't exist)" raise MissingBackupDiskError(msg % (self.crypto_device, self.crypttab_entry.source_device)) if self.backup_enabled: self.notify_starting() self.unlock_device() try: self.mount_filesystem() if self.backup_enabled: self.transfer_changes() actions.append('create backup') if self.snapshot_enabled: self.create_snapshot() actions.append('create snapshot') if self.rotate_enabled: self.rotate_snapshots() actions.append('rotate old snapshots') except Exception: self.notify_failed(timer) raise else: if self.backup_enabled: self.notify_finished(timer) if actions:"Took %s to %s.", timer, concatenate(actions))
[docs] def notify_starting(self): """Notify the desktop environment that a system backup is starting.""" if self.notifications_enabled: body = "Starting dry-run" if self.dry_run else "Starting backup" notify_desktop(summary="System backups", body=body)
[docs] def notify_finished(self, timer): """Notify the desktop environment that a system backup has finished.""" if self.notifications_enabled: body = "Finished backup in %s." % timer notify_desktop(summary="System backups", body=body)
[docs] def notify_failed(self, timer): """Notify the desktop environment that a system backup has failed.""" if self.notifications_enabled: body = "Backup failed after %s! Review the system logs for details." % timer notify_desktop(summary="System backups", body=body, urgency='critical')
[docs] def unlock_device(self): """ Automatically unlock the encrypted filesystem to which backups are written. :raises: The following exceptions can be raised: - :exc:`.DestinationContextUnavailable`, refer to :attr:`destination_context` for details. - :exc:`~executor.ExternalCommandFailed` when the cryptdisks_start_ command reports an error. When :attr:`crypto_device` is set this method uses :func:`~linux_utils.luks.cryptdisks_start()` to unlock the encrypted filesystem to which backups are written before the backup starts. When :func:`~linux_utils.luks.cryptdisks_start()` was called before the backup started, :func:`~linux_utils.luks.cryptdisks_stop()` will be called when the backup finishes. To enable the use of :func:`~linux_utils.luks.cryptdisks_start()` and :func:`~linux_utils.luks.cryptdisks_stop()` you need to create an `/etc/crypttab`_ entry that maps your physical device to a symbolic name. If you want this process to run fully unattended you can configure a key file in `/etc/crypttab`_, otherwise you will be asked for the password when the encrypted filesystem is unlocked. .. _/etc/crypttab: .. _cryptdisks_start: """ if self.crypto_device: if self.crypto_device_unlocked:"Encrypted filesystem is already unlocked (%s) ..", self.crypto_device) else: cryptdisks_start( context=self.destination_context, target=self.crypto_device, ) if not self.crypto_device_unlocked: msg = "Failed to unlock encrypted filesystem! (%s)" raise FailedToUnlockError(msg % self.crypto_device) self.destination_context.cleanup( cryptdisks_stop, context=self.destination_context, target=self.crypto_device, )
[docs] def mount_filesystem(self): """ Automatically mount the filesystem to which backups are written. :raises: The following exceptions can be raised: - :exc:`.DestinationContextUnavailable`, refer to :attr:`destination_context` for details. - :exc:`~executor.ExternalCommandFailed` when the mount_ command reports an error. When :attr:`mount_point` is set this method uses the mount_ command to mount the filesystem to which backups are written before the backup starts. When mount_ was called before the backup started, umount_ will be called when the backup finishes. An entry for the mount point needs to be defined in `/etc/fstab`_. .. _mount: .. _umount: .. _/etc/fstab: """ if self.mount_point: if self.mount_point_active:"Filesystem is already mounted (%s) ..", self.mount_point) else:"Mounting filesystem (%s) ..", self.mount_point) self.destination_context.execute('mount', self.mount_point, sudo=True) if not self.mount_point_active: msg = "Failed to mount filesystem! (%s)" raise FailedToMountError(msg % self.crypto_device) self.destination_context.cleanup('umount', self.mount_point, sudo=True)
[docs] def transfer_changes(self): """ Use rsync to synchronize the files on the local system to the backup destination. :raises: :exc:`.InvalidDestinationDirectory` when :attr:`mount_point` is set and :attr:`destination` is a local directory that is not located under :attr:`mount_point`. """ # Attempt to ensure that the destination directory is located under the # mount point to prevent the user from shooting themselves in the foot. if self.mount_point and not self.destination.hostname: mount_point = os.path.abspath(self.mount_point) destination = os.path.abspath( common_prefix = os.path.commonprefix([mount_point, destination]) if os.path.abspath(common_prefix) != mount_point: msg = "Destination directory (%s) not located under mount point (%s)!" raise InvalidDestinationDirectory(msg % (destination, mount_point)) # The following `with' statement enables rsync daemon connections # tunneled over SSH. For this use case we spawn a local SSH client with # port forwarding configured, wait for the forwarded port to become # connected, have rsync connect through the tunnel and shut down the # SSH client after rsync is finished. with self.destination: rsync_command = ['rsync'] if self.dry_run: rsync_command.append('--dry-run') rsync_command.append('--verbose') # The following rsync options delete files in the backup # destination that no longer exist on the local system. # Due to snapshotting this won't cause data loss. rsync_command.append('--delete') rsync_command.append('--delete-excluded') # The following rsync options are intended to preserve # as much filesystem metadata as possible. rsync_command.append('--acls') rsync_command.append('--archive') rsync_command.append('--hard-links') rsync_command.append('--numeric-ids') rsync_command.append('--xattrs') # The following rsync option avoids including mounted external # drives like USB sticks in system backups. if not self.multi_fs: rsync_command.append('--one-file-system') # The following rsync options exclude irrelevant directories (to my # subjective mind) from the system backup. for pattern in self.excluded_roots: rsync_command.append('--filter=-/ %s' % pattern) # The following rsync options allow user defined exclusion. for pattern in self.exclude_list: rsync_command.append('--exclude=%s' % pattern) # Source the backup from the root of the local filesystem # and make sure the pathname ends in a trailing slash. rsync_command.append(ensure_trailing_slash(self.source)) # Target the backup at the configured destination. rsync_command.append(ensure_trailing_slash(self.destination.expression)) # Automatically create missing destination directories. try: if not self.destination_context.is_directory("Creating missing destination directory: %s", self.destination_context.execute('mkdir', '-p',, tty=False) except DestinationContextUnavailable: # Don't fail when the destination doesn't allow for this # (because its an rsync daemon module). pass # Execute the rsync command. timer = Timer()"Creating system backup using rsync ..") cmd = self.source_context.execute(*rsync_command, **dict( # Don't raise an exception when rsync exits with # a nonzero status code. From `man rsync': # - 23: Partial transfer due to error. # - 24: Partial transfer due to vanished source files. # This can be expected on a running system # without proper filesystem snapshots :-). check=False, # Clear $HOME so that rsync ignores ~/.cvsignore. environment=dict(HOME=''), # Run rsync under ionice. ionice=self.ionice, # Run rsync with superuser privileges so that it has read # access to all files on the local filesystem? sudo=self.sudo_enabled, )) if cmd.returncode in (0, 23, 24):"Took %s to create backup.", timer) if cmd.returncode != 0: logger.warning( "Ignoring `partial transfer' warnings (rsync exited with %i).", cmd.returncode, ) else: logger.error("Backup failed after %s! (rsync exited with %i)", timer, cmd.returncode) raise cmd.error_type(cmd)
[docs] def create_snapshot(self): """ Create a snapshot of the destination directory. :raises: The following exceptions can be raised: - :exc:`.DestinationContextUnavailable`, refer to :attr:`destination_context` for details. - :exc:`.ParentDirectoryUnavailable`, refer to :attr:`.parent_directory` for details. - :exc:`~executor.ExternalCommandFailed` when the ``cp`` command reports an error. """ # Compose the `cp' command needed to create a snapshot. snapshot = os.path.join(self.destination.parent_directory, time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')) cp_command = [ 'cp', '--archive', '--link',, snapshot, ] # Execute the `cp' command? if self.dry_run:"Snapshot command: %s", quote(cp_command)) else: timer = Timer()"Creating snapshot: %s", snapshot) self.destination_context.execute(*cp_command, ionice=self.ionice)"Took %s to create snapshot.", timer)
[docs] def rotate_snapshots(self): """ Rotate system backup snapshots using :mod:`.rotate_backups`. :raises: The following exceptions can be raised: - :exc:`.DestinationContextUnavailable`, refer to :attr:`destination_context` for details. - :exc:`.ParentDirectoryUnavailable`, refer to :attr:`.parent_directory` for details. - Any exceptions raised by :mod:`.rotate_backups`. The values of the :attr:`dry_run`, :attr:`ionice` and :attr:`rotation_scheme` properties are passed on to the :class:`~rotate_backups.RotateBackups` class. """ helper = RotateBackups( dry_run=self.dry_run, io_scheduling_class=self.ionice, rotation_scheme=self.rotation_scheme, ) helper.rotate_backups(Location( context=self.destination_context, directory=self.destination.parent_directory, ))
[docs]def ensure_trailing_slash(expression): """ Add a trailing slash to rsync source/destination locations. :param expression: The rsync source/destination expression (a string). :returns: The same expression with exactly one trailing slash. """ if expression: # Strip any existing trailing slashes. expression = expression.rstrip('/') # Add exactly one trailing slash. expression += '/' return expression